論壇總覽 GD32 RISC-V 論壇 開始使用GD32 RISC-V Nano/Pico 範例程式 [分享] Mapleboard官方工具鍊範例

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      This file is for the Mapleboard GD32 RISC-V Nano/Pico development board,
      to download the pre-build mapleboard toolchain, please visit:

      For more information, please visit: https://stage.mapleboard.org/

      version: 2020-08-10

      Firmware source: https://github.com/riscv-mcu/GD32VF103_Firmware_Library

      Firmware version: 2019-06-05

      This repository shows you how to build a executable file for GD32VF103 RISC-V MCU with riscv-gnu-toolchain.

      How to use
      Open the terminal console
      Change the working directory to the /src folder under this README path
      Read the README file to knowing the instruction of Makefie
      Type $” make” to make the .elf/.hex/.bin file from source code which named “main.c”, the output files are all putting in /build folder
      Type $” make dfu” to download the .bin file to the gd32vf103 development board using dfu protocol.
      You can see the on-board LED flashing
      Modify main.c for any function you want, also, you can reference the /Example folder to using ADC,DAC,I2C,CAN bus or anything the IC can do.


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